Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 2: Reading-- My favorite

Leading from any chair is an idea that I am familiar with. I believe that no matter what role I have assumed in a situation I always have the opportunity to be a leader. I believe that being a leader is a personality trait not a role. I loved the 6th rule. It is a tough one to follow. I get so worked up(internally) sometimes when someone does not see my value. I need to recall this rule and let it go. This brings me to the concept of seeing everything as a contribution.This chapter speaks to me more than the others. WOW. That is deep, but true. Every moment of every day you are making a contribution. When I really thought about it I was not sure exactly how this fit every situation.
Then good old wikipedia came to the rescue. You see, making a contribution takes on many forms and everything you do can be considered a contribution. I really like this idea and I can see how living this gives value to everything you do.

1 comment:

  1. I love the "leading from any chair" rule. You know I was just thinking, it seems odd to call these "rules" don't you think? It seems maybe they should be called guidelines, or something like that. But maybe I'm just being too "new agey." I am not sure that I agree with you on the leader role being a personality trait. Unless you can develop new personality traits as you go through life. I have several students that I would not classify as "leaders" who have been directors in their groups and led from behind. But no one in their group would define them as the leader either. Maybe we need to redefine "leader."
    Did I use enough "quotation marks?"
