Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 4 Reading

The Eleventh Practice

This chapter took some interesting concepts and different views on leadership. I have never heard before that leaders are the ones that can bring possibilities. I know that makes sense and is somewhat obvious. It goes along with his or her idea that anyone anywhere in any situation can be a leader. Leading from any chair tells us that anyone can make things happen can open up possibilities. This is a cool concept.
I really like the Nelson Mandela Quote on page 178-179 so I included it here.

Telling the we story

I thought this chapter was interesting but I ‘m not sure I want to be part of “we” in all situations. I know that if everyone felt connected and cared for, and respected others, the world would be a better place. If you looked at yourself as part of something bigger then you would take care of those around you because they are part of this too. However, this doesn’t take into account that not every one has honorable intentions. Maybe I’ off here but although I get the concept I’m not sure it is a good idea. I agree that if we join together and think less of what “I” want instead think of what is best for “Us” better outcomes and less conflict will occur. I suppose if all individual assumed this mentality it might eliminate some of the selfish manipulative, criminal types. However, I had a hard time trusting everyone’s intentions.

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