Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3: Response to Duncan

I do realize the Zanders are quite zen and all, but the paragraph or two from chapter 7 in The Art of Possibility that reads:

Yet standing stationary on the bank, utterly still, I took an existential leap. "Let its force run through me," I allowed, not having moved an inch. "Let it turn all my molecules in its direction; trust it and surrender. Let it give me what it has to offer."
And it did, and it has ever since; wherever I seek life's passion, the river is there churning through me. I can hear its mind-numbing rush, the movements of billions of atoms.
-page 115, The Art of Possibility

left me speechless (I know it's a book and I'm not talking anyway). If I heard someone actually say that out loud as we are led to believe, I wouldn't even know what to say.

I guess what I could say is that if I were to write a book, I would probably leave that out of it. I've said many strange things in my life, and I wouldn't publish them either.


I agree! He then goes on to talk about “What is nature asking for?” (p. 115). I understand he is trying to make the point that we need to experience life and be a participant not an observer. ‘To be one with nature and nature one with you’ It is just a bit out of my zone of thinking. I found this Will Smith interview that kind of goes along these lines. I posted it on my blog. ☺

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