Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 4: Scratch, Flash, and Sim City

The scratch project seems like a great undertaking but one that is very worthwhile. I think it is great that they are making simple tools for student to learn in afterschool programs. This way students can experience success with building in programs like this. There is nothing more cool that seeing some kind of animation you did an thinking- Hey I made that!
The Flash tutorial went very fast. I think the ones on might be better but I bookmarked it for later use. Joe's work was fun to look at. I'm not sure if I did the right thing with the example because the guy's head fell off. I thought that was rather hilarious so maybe that was the intention. Kids would love that unexpected outcome.
Second Life holds great promise in education for the higher level kids. I wish more old-timers would relax and let high school kids use it. Second life teen might be a god option but I have not had the opportunity to look at it. It gives student the chance to interact and experience learning with others from a remote area.
I'm not too familiar with Sim City and the note said it would not play on our macbooks. From what I know I believe students are given a scenario that they can manipulate to reach a goal. What sounds more engaging than that? I'm not sure but I think it was similar to the CD ROM Tycoon games. My kids had a bunch. They built zoos, roller coasters, and cities. They would spend hours trying to stay in budget and build something successful.

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