Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3: Comment on the Ron Clark Video

It was interesting to watch the video of the interview with Ron Clark this week. I agreed with his observations about the teacher-student digital divide. He commented on how many teachers think they have conquered technology because they made a PowerPoint and how he does not even allow his students to use PowerPoint! How cool is that. I wish teachers had access to training and the tools that they need to use technology the way he suggests. I’m not sure how many school districts have teacher sites available or access to enough computers to use the sites in class. I think access is the real problem-not teachers not willing to buy in.

Check out this LINK to TED videos for integrating free technology into education.


  1. Ron works at a high school in LA and has learned that setting up his students to succeed to precedence. So, he works around the system a lot. He is a "students first" kind'a guy who doesn't wait for anyone else to improve things for him. He just finds a way to make it happen.

  2. Great video and a model of how a teacher should be. I loved reading his books and enjoy watching videos to hear him talk about education and teaching. He is one that has given everything into his passion for teaching every student. He thinks outside the box and will try endlessly to reach the kids. We had a PDD day this week where we had a conductor come in and speak with us on how to build a successful music performance program. His main message, two divorces later, is you have to give every ounce of your time to building your program. He would work most days until 9pm and weekends working with ensembles and organizing opportunities for the students. He has one of the best programs in Massachusetts as a result. Reminded me a bit of Ron Clark and how much work and personal time he put into education. Every teacher has their balance and, just like every great successful individual, it reflects ones commitment to the dream.
    I loved his comments on PowerPoint and technology. I agree with him and remember how I once thought that way. Before this class and diving into technology with all the possibilities, I thought PowerPoint was interactive. I’m embarrassed. My new crusade is to inform and educate other educators about the many way to make a classroom interactive. Down with PowerPoint.
