Friday, January 8, 2010

Week 1: Comment to Heather

Heather wrote:
"The frames our minds create define - and confine - what we perceive to be possible. Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear." (Zander, 2000, p. 14)

Tuesday was my birthday. It was a great birthday. I had lots of fun at my job then class in the evening. During that class I learned what this month was going to look like for me. Busier than all my other months combined! My mind immediately jumped to the impossibility of getting everything done in the time I had. Full time job, hubby, a birthday party, helping my mom at the flea market, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, blocking and choreographing an entire musical and some down time. In short, I had a small panic attack after the class was over. My hubby tried to help, but it was no good. I was determined to be miserable. Then I read the above stated words in The Art of Possibility by Rosamund and Ben Zander. I realized I had boxed myself into thinking there was no time for anything and there never would be. So today I let it go. I refused the budding panic attack and did the work I could get done today. I will read for 30 minutes before I go to sleep and have my down time. Everything else will find it's own time. I'm not putting it off. I using the moments I'm given when I'm given them to complete what needs to be completed. Why don't you try this experiment with me?

You sure sound busy, but it is clear that you are very organized. It is very honest of you to admit that you have the impulse to curl up into a ball of self-pity when you feel overwhelmed. I totally understand how you feel. That moment comes, it passes, and panic fades, and then you feel good about being able to do way more than most people you know. So far, I think the book is a very useful and quite a different take on people and their perspectives on life. Every time I feel overwhelmed I remind myself that I chose to create these circumstances for myself. I make sure to remind myself that in time I can also choose to create clam or relaxing circumstances in my life. It is really all a mater of perspective. Just be sure that you give your self a chance to allow yourself to rest. Fast paced super-achiever lifestyles are addictive and only lead to burn out. SO YOU GO GIRL! Recreate that frame of reference allow yourself to manage your time the way you do so well but be careful to also know it is ok to say ‘no’ and rest. --Just my take on this chapter and your comments :)

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