Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 2: Responses to group members content proposals

I think this is an important and relevant topic. I think that this can be a difficult topic to talk about with kids and by using technology you will capture an audience and speak to them through a vehicle that means something to them. It sounds like you have created a great udutu tutorial. I hope that the video showcases all your hard work. I can't wait to see it.

This is a great idea. I could see this idea growing into a huge multi subject initiative. It will be time consuming on your part. This is the kind of work that changes education. I can't wait to see your project. I have one idea to contribute. You may have already thought of this but... When you create the podcasts, I'd title them by subject not by chapter. It is likely that some day in the future you will change the text and this can help you easily adapt to the new book. Also, if students have certain weaknesses they can easily go back and use these to review content if they are labeled by subject. Lastly, I can see these becoming a resource for other classes as well. As a science teacher, I would have loved to have access to some basic math help for kids during certain units in science class. I hope this is useful :)
Thanks, Ellen

This is a great idea. I can see the value of this project on many different levels. This type of project could be used to teach just about any subject. I know the kids will be engaged and really learn. Because this is such a broad project, I think I could use some more information about what types of technology will be used and how they will use it. I’m sure this will be apparent in your presentation. I cannot wait to see it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you cruised around and read other's content proposal... great job.
